Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Rock Buns

Fifty years ago, when Home Economics was a 'thing' in Secondary Schools, I made Rock Buns for the first time, Rock buns are similar to a scone but not rolled but dropped on baking parchment, and when baked have a rough surface resembling a rock! I cant remember the recipe we used back then, but the buns definitely came out bigger than these buns from the Ministry of Food during the Second World War. 
This recipe requires less eggs and sugar than ordinary cakes, which are important savings during the strict rationing. They were very quick to throw together and baked in about 15 minutes. They really did look like little rocks when they came out of the oven, but once the hard outer layer was broken they were soft and scone like. The raisins and golden raisins (sultanas ) I used added a little moistness and the mixed spice added a subtle flavour.
Delicious eaten warm or cold with a dollop of your favourite preserve
8 oz wholemeal/wholewheat flour
4 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice/all spice
2 oz margarine
2 oz sugar
2 oz sultanas or dried mixed fruit
1 egg or 1 reconstituted dried egg
2 teaspoons sugar for topping
  • Sift the flour, baking powder and spice
  • Rub in the margarine
  • Add the sugar, dried fruit and the egg
  • Gradually add enough milk to make a sticky mixture
  • Put spoonfuls onto parchment paper on baking tray 
  • Sprinkle with the sugar
  • Cook in a hot oven for 12-15 minutes
Eating For Victory
Collection of Official WW2 Recipe Leaflets

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