Thursday, September 12, 2024

Stuffed Peppers

Another lovely meal from Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, this time September 1941. The only changes I made to the recipe were I halved it (easily done) and replaced the butter crumb topping with a little cheese. Although, I guess you could use both

8 green peppers
1 small onion, chopped 
1 pound ground beef
2 tablespoons fat
4 medium-sized tomatoes (2 cups), chopped
1½ cups cut, fresh corn
Salt and pepper 
Buttered crumbs

  • Cut tops from green peppers; remove seeds. 
  • Precook peppers 3 minutes in boiling water and invert to drain. 
  • Brown onion and beef in hot fat 
  • Add tomatoes, corn, and seasonings 
  • Stuff peppers with this mixture and top with butter crumbs, 
  • Place each stuffed pepper in greased muffin pan containing 1 tablespoon hot water or
  • Stand peppers in greased baking dish; add ½ inch hot water. 
  • Bake in moderate oven (325) 1 hour. 

 Better Home and Gardens Magazine 
September 1941

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