Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Welsh Eggs

 Here's another recipe from the Second World War Ministry of Food Leaflet... Welsh Eggs.
Im not quiet sure whats Welsh about it...unless its a play on Welsh Rarebit... which is just another way of saying posh Cheese on Toast made with a sauce, beer and sometimes egg.

Again this recipe used dried eggs... which I dont have.. so I used hard boiled eggs. I adjusted the seasoning and actually enjoyed it.. finding it very filling. And the mixture goes a long way

But, having to hard boil the eggs and make the sauce doesnt make for a particularly quick breakfast. Although, if you plan ahead its probably a good choice for a leisurely weekend. But perfect for supper

1 oz margarine or dripping
3 level tablespoons plain flour
1/2 pint milk (or milk and water)
2 level tablespoons coarsely chopped leek or spring onion: 
1 level teaspoon salt
1/4 level teaspoon pepper
4 dried eggs, hard-boiled and chopped
4 pieces toast.

  • Melt the margarine and stir in the flour to absorb the fat. 
  • Then add the milk gradually and bring to the boil
  • Add the leek or onion, and seasoning, and stir until cooked -about five minutes. 
  • Finally, add the chopped egg and serve on hot toast. 
  • Sufficient for four.

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