Thursday, September 5, 2024

Apple Jelly

Apple week is coming to an end... and after today just one more dish, for now,  which will incorporate todays recipe

All the peeling, chopping, slicing, baking has produced some delicious dishes. But what to do with all those peelings and cores. I guess the chicken would love them, and I guess I could share a bit. But, in the spirit of "Waste Not Want Not, I made some sweet  Apple Jelly

My Grandmother used this recipe, and the smell in my kitchen is amazing and brings back so many memories. Now I must admit this jelly, like most preserves, uses a lot of sugar, but you dont use much of it at once and it lasts a long time. It tastes just like toffee apples, and its wonderful as a glaze or served warm with a pudding or ice cream

The recipe is simple and it has three ingredients;

Apple Peelings and Cores
Lemon Juice

  • In a large bowl, cover the peels and cores with water
  • It can be left overnight in the fridge or used straight away
  • Pour into a pan
  • Boil for an hour.
  • When slightly cooled, strain through a muslin cloth
  • Measure the liquid in a large pan
  • For every cup of that golden liquid add 2 Tbsp lemon juice and 3/4 cup of sugar.

  • Boil til temperatures reach setting point (220℉) 
  • Pour into warm sterilized jars. 
  • If canning..process for 10 minutes

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